Would this work for any niche? And would it be suitable for reselling only to other marketers?

We created all the content ideas, viral video hooks, and CTAs in a niche-neutral way (as we do with all our products). You can see some examples on the page!

In terms of who you could re-sell it to (which is optional) - you can resell it to anyone who creates content - whether business owners, influencers, or people building social media pages as a hobby - no matter their niche.

Also, remember, if you do find some of the ideas not 100% relevant, you can modify the content and tweak it so it’s perfect for your particular customers.

You don’t have to resell it exactly as it is (or at all).

The idea is you don’t have to create it from scratch - you can simply do some minor tweaks, saving weeks of research, curation, organization, design etc.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at [email protected] and we will get back to you in 1-2 business days.

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